Dabur International

Home Remedies For Toothache

Toothache can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include biting into something hard, flossing, and getting something stuck in between the teeth or braces. In children, it’s a regular part of the developmental process.

Home Remedies for Toothache

1) Clove oil

Since ancient times, Indian Ayurvedic practitioners have been using the aromatic spice clove and its oil to get rid of toothache. Not only it help in subsiding the pain but also helps in getting rid of the soreness caused in the gums due to toothache. Clove oil is mostly extracted from the bud and stem of eugenol clove. This toothache home remedy helps relieve the pain by numbing the nerve.


  • Take two to three drops of clove oil and mix it with half a teaspoon of olive oil
    Soak a small ball of cotton it and apply to the affected tooth area
    Keep it on the affected area for a while till the area starts to feel numb and the pain subsides.
    Rinse mouth with water
    Repeat at least once a day for 2-3 weeks or till the time the pain has completely vanished
    Clove oil can also be mixed with coconut oil and applied on the affected area for best results

2) Garlic

One of the toothache home remedies includes using Garlic. Being an antibiotic, garlic provides immense relief from tooth pain.


  • Take two to three pods of garlic and crush them with some salt and pepper
    Apply the mixture to the affected area and keep it on till the pain subsides
    Repeat the treatment daily or till the time the pain has subsided

3) Onions

Onions also are antibacterial and antiseptic and are a great help in controlling toothache. Onion is one of the various toothache home remedies that can provide relief from pain by killing infection-causing germs.


  • Take the slice of onion and keep it on the affected tooth
  • Bite into the onion and keep it pressed between teeth for 10 minutes
  • Rinse your mouth with water
  • Repeat at least once a day for 2-3 weeks
  • Even though the taste of a raw onion is too strong, the effect stays long.

4) Asafetida

For this toothache remedy, the main ingredient is Asafetida. With the use of Asafetida, you can treat toothaches and bleeding gums and keep the health of your gums and teeth intact


  • Mix a pinch of asafetida in a teaspoon of lemon juice and slightly warm it
  • Use a cotton ball and dab it in the mixture
  • Thereafter, apply the soaked cotton ball to the affected area and keep it on for 10-15 minutes
  • Use the treatment once or twice a week or till the time the pain has completely vanished
  • Asafetida can also be slightly fried in clarified butter and applied to affected gums and teeth for relief from toothache.

5) Ginger

Ginger and cayenne pepper when mixed work magic on toothaches.


  • Take half a teaspoon of ginger paste and mix with equal amounts of cayenne pepper
  • Mix two to three drops of olive oil in it and apply the mix on the affected tooth area
  • Keep the mixture on for 10-15 minutes
  • Thereafter, rinse your mouth with warm water
  • Repeat the process once or twice a week

6) Alcohol

Even though alcohol is not recommended by too many doctors, it can help in alleviating tooth pain. But in case you have children at home suffering from toothache, we recommend you to overlook administering this home remedy to them. By saying alcohol, we mean alcohol application at the site of pain & not consumption.


  • Soak a cotton ball in a spoonful of whiskey & squeeze out the excess
  • Place the cotton on the sore tooth and leave it on for some time
  • Repeat the process whenever necessary

7) Peppermint

Peppermint oil also helps in numbing tooth pain to a great extent.


  • Take a small swab of cotton and dip it in a few drops of peppermint oil and olive oil
  • Place the cotton ball on the affected area for 10-15 minutes till the pain goes away
  • Repeat when required

8) Sea salt

Because of the various kinds of sugars that are left in the mouth, bacteria develop into infections and produce lactic acid. The acid then starts corroding into enamel and teeth, which causes immense pain. Saltwater, which is one of the effective toothache home remedies, helps in getting over the pain and neutralizes the lactic acid.


  • Take a cup of water and warm it to the temperature you can put in your mouth
  • Thereafter, add half a teaspoon of sea salt and mix properly
  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater
  • Repeat 10-15 times or till the time the pain has started to wither away
  • Repeat the process once or twice daily for 3-4 weeks

9) Cucumber

Cucumber is known for its soothing and cooling effect and thus works incredibly well as a toothache remedy. It also has hemostatic effects that curb the blood flow to the pain-affected area, which results in shrinking the ache.


  • Take a spoonful of grated cucumber and mix with a few drops of lemon juice
  • Take the mixture and apply to the affected area and keep it on for 10 minutes
  • When the pain subsides, rinse your mouth with cold water and repeat the process daily if necessary

10) Turmeric

Its antibacterial and antiseptic properties help relieve pain and heal the gum and tooth area in case of an infection or an abscess.


  • Mix oil and turmeric to make a thick paste
  • Use the cotton ball to apply it on the affected tooth
  • Leave it to rest for 10 minutes
  • Swish your mouth with water to avoid swallowing the paste
  • Repeat at least once a day or till the pain has subsided, for better results
  • While these home remedies may provide you temporary relief from toothache, you must visit your dentist on a regular basis to keep a check on your teeth and gum health. If the pain persists for a long period of time, your dentist would be best suited to tell you it’s underlying and correct cause and start the treatment accordingly

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